The International Coral Reef Management and Leadership Fellowship was hosted by the coral reef experts at Reef Ecologic for three consecutive years in 2015, 2016, and 2017. Coral reef managers and leaders were brought to Townsville, Australia for three intensive weeks of training, lectures from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, and experiential learning snorkeling above the Great Barrier Reef itself. These Fellows took knowledge gained back to their many different homes in the Caribbean, Pacific, and Indian oceans, and offered valuable lessons in turn to their Fellowship organizers in Australia. Communication work included lessons on writing a press release for Fellows, video updates, interactions with the press, taking photographs and managing social media.
video updates & summaries
Videos were produced and published both during the Fellowships and after their completion.
Each year during the Fellowship, participants were given a training on how to write a press release and discussed the best ways to communicate coral reef conservation and management in their various communities.
The Fellowship included an intensive leadership course, presentations about reef management from experts at the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, interactions with local and international press, and experiential learning by visiting an island research station and the Great Barrier Reef itself.
Dr. Adam Smith & Dr. Paul Marshall
“Kim Kenny has worked as a communication specialist with the Reef Ecologic team between 2015-2017, providing strategic communication plans and products such as video, training and social media. We have been very pleased with her teamwork, communication skills, dedication and flexibility in a very dynamic environment. She has been part of the family and made a major difference for people, reefs and the planet.”